When will my menstrual cycle start again after delivery?

The timing of returned menstruation after pregnancy and delivery varies from person to person. Remember that ovulation happens before menstruation if you want to return to an active sex life and do not wish to become pregnant.

Ingela Ågren

Read time: 1 m

Verified by Ingela Ågren

Certified Midwife

When will my menstrual cycle start again after delivery? Photo: Freepik.com

When your cycle returns to normal is highly dependent upon whether you are nursing or not. If you are not nursing, menstruation usually comes within a few months after the birth. If you are nursing, it usually takes longer for menstruation to start again. Nursing hormones affect the hormones that release the eggs, meaning ovulation is delayed. The body returns to its normal menstruation cycle while nursing is very different for each individual. Some return to their cycle earlier, while others need to stop breastfeeding entirely before it returns properly.

Ovulation occurs roughly two weeks before menstruation. It can be difficult to know when the first ovulation occurs after you have given birth and if you have started having intercourse and you do not want to get pregnant, it can be good to have plans for contraception.

Ingela Ågren

Verified by Ingela Ågren

Certified Midwife


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